Monday, July 30, 2012

Finishing the Dissertation - Advice

There are numerous books about starting and finishing the dissertation/thesis, some better than others. But one of the things I've realized is that the process of writing a dissertation is much more about psychological aspects and facing myself – overcoming procrastination and perfectionism, endurance and perseverance and developing new ways of thinking, writing and viewing the world. Although everyone's experiences will be different, there is some practical advice that everyone can use. The Chronicle of Higher Education has an article “Finishing the Dissertation” by Renata Kobetts Miller that is worth a read. Although the author directs her comments to her dissertation work, it is applicable to most of the work we do in graduate school – including our class work, comprehensive exams, etc.

Here is a quick summery of Kobetts Miller's lessons learned about writing a dissertation:
  1. The first chapter was the hardest – learning a new genre is tough, but keep at it.
  2. Observe the rhythm of your work – both in time, energy, and where you struggle when writing. Figure out your own cycle of working and realize each phase will end (with perseverance).
  3. Avail yourself of writing groups if they're useful, but don't feel guilty about ditching them when they're not – groups can be a great source of support and motivation, but they can also interfere with your own thinking. Be wise!
  4. Revision may be easier if you put it off until later – reviewer comments can be demoralizing. With time and perspective, it will make more sense.
  5. Be realistic about your timeline – Don't make set deadline that will make you feel overwhelmed. Thinking (and writing) takes time.
  6. Identify the people around you who provide useful support - be gracious and grateful for the people who listen, sympathize and cajole you.
  7. Relish epiphanies - open yourself to talking with many people and be ready to take advantage of the serendipitous inspiration.
  8. Remember that you're doing this for yourself – it is a marathon of one, you are not in competition with others, and the journey is as important as the finish. 

    If you are looking for the full article, it can be found here: 

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